Hi All! Been trolling for couple months trying to
learn...just when I think I know what to do & in what
sequence you guys change everything! 
I've an HP Pavilion dv9310us w/bcm4311 rev 2 mini-pci.
temp dual-boot xp(sp2)/opensuse 10.3. works on
xp(ugh!) did work on suse for 2 weeks, added security
& other patches, hasn't worked since. kernel:
Prefer operate linux exclusively, but many probs
w/ndiswrapper, if-iw/config and other stuff. really
need wireless access so I can learn remote admin of
tux servers, config, etc.  course is avail & free, but
i'm not up to recomp of kernel and/or reverse eng.
just yet. Anybody got a step-by-step for a n00b that
isn't convoluted?? Maybe now there is a pkg or util
which auto-magics??

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