On 31 Dec 01, Rambler wrote:
> Hi Stephen  There is a method called Brix testing that a farmer can do
> himself. It uses a refractometer to measure suger levels in plants and
> fruit. When suger levels get above a certain level for each group of
> plants then you have reached a balanced soil energy level. A figure
> between 9-15 is my understanding. This is also subject that i would
> like to study this coming year. It is one of the means which Dan Skow
> uses in his book Mainline farming for the 21st Century to get his soil
> nutrient levels to balance and you can do it your self.

There is a good amount of Brix information at 
http://www.brixpage.com. Note it is not just a measure of sugar 
rather plant sap solids.

Rex Harrill has written a helpful book(let) which can be clicked 
through to from the above website or  

The BrixTalk list is linked from the Crossroads website but because of 
the unwieldy frames it maybe easy to go straight to it at 

Further links at http://www.crossroads.ws/brix/index-page7.html.

HTH... Rex

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