Jeniffer wrote :
"but then one of my daughters became autistic due to her routine vaccinations".
You should consider talking to Dr. Arden Ardensen. He has reverted some
cases of autism as caused by vaccination ( actually it is caused by the
mercury or Merthiolate used to preserve the vaccines). Mercury poisoning plays an
important role in this case. You can call Acres USA office and ask them
the phone number of Dr Andersen. He was serving in the Air Force but
I hope he is already back.
If this is the case ( a confirmed case of Hg poisoning ) then you should also
consider growing Biodynamic cilantro leaves and giving it to your child.
Cilantro has a chelating ability for mercury, alluminum and lead. If she likes the
leaves taste put then everywhere like soups, food, juice, etc..
If possible dry the leaves, grind them and put them in capsules.

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