> To be more relevant, it needs only to be more widely used. This is an area
> the large scale commercial manufacture of Preps can save the half
convinced the
> risk of being caught out by sceptical friends and family, doing something
that in
> some communities, be regarded as close to witchcraft. They can quietly buy
> needs and then the actual application does not look all that strange from
> adjoining property. It is also the sort of situation where Field
> come into their own.

P. This is also where the use of homoeopathically prepared B.D.remedies
could fit in too. P.
> We can market BD grown products without labelling, on quality alone. If
> product is good enough, it will sell without BD labelling. Local marketing
> "Tom's Triffic Tomatoes" or what ever, should be enough.
> Using the teachings of RS, we can work to evolve new Preps suited to our
> needs. Example: traditional BD Preps are not suited to Australian Native
> vegetation, but we have many areas of degenerated land that needs the
> regenerating forces of a BD like energy. This is but one area calling out
> development work. How about Preps for Aquaculture and cleaning up water
ways or
> Preps to reverse the effects of Acid Rain?
> There is, in Organic/ BD circles, some reluctance to progress. I do not
> understand this, as RS bid us do just that. We should strive to develop
new Preps
> and and review methods of delivery.....
> Gil
> Before rushing to create new preparations one might look at a more
inovative and broadminded approach to using what we have been given

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