You may like to spend time watching the bacteria. I heard that some one
photographed root hairs actually absorbing bacteria, which had been earlier
observed breaking down rock dust!!!!



> I have logged some time on a Zeiss microscope with a camera mounted aboard.
> I took a role of slides and have photograghed diatoms, desmids,
> radioilarians, soil algae, blue green algae [N-fixing, surrounded by
> nitrophilic bacteria], protozoa (amoebas, paramecium. rotarians),  and the
> fat fungal filaments that I can grow with equisetum.
> There were loads of bacterium associated with all the algae and diatoms.
> Organisms instantly forming communities under the  This
> means so much more to me than looking at numbers. Will shoot some more this
> week.  SStorch

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