I agree with Virginia.

When you're growing for a CSA, you've made a commitment to families 
with children to provide them with as much food as your skill and the 
season allow.
Deer damage much more than what they eat. One of the worst things 
they will do is trample remay that is excluding flea beetles (oops, 
there I go again!!) from cole crops. Their hooves tear the remay, 
damage that may not be discovered until harvest time. (Which remind 
me: as well as zuchinni that seemed to bear for months, I seem to 
remember remay that didn't tear as easily as any remay I buy nowadays 

We get lots of stuff just out and out trampled also.

The deer only bother our stuff, however, when it's more desireable 
than what they can fine in the woods. This season, apparently, there 
wasnt a lot of edamame out in the woods.

>Dear Sharon,
>You are most generous and I imagine unruffled even when the corn 
>plants you have sweated over are all broken, your trees are 
>continually browsed or the fruits that you've waited for are strewn 
>all over the place before they even mature.  While they may eat 
>some, the damage they cause is to an extent that some people have 
>given up growing a garden altogether.  Too bad, because gardening is 
>immensely therapeutic and healing. For animals, there are wild 
>plants in abundance which may be much more healing for them.

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