
Markess is in Wisconsin, I believe, but that's just like being here in
Minnesota--where it's also cold and cloudy.  Sen. Wellstone was my beloved
senator.  He represented me--as I often said:  "Wellstone's MY man."   Now
I'll be borrowing Markess' wonderful Sen. Feingold.

My first awareness of Paul Wellstone was when I used to work for a
bankruptcy attorney during the farm crisis in the early '80's.  The trustee
was needed to handle all the farm bankruptcies.  Paul Wellstone worked with
a group called Groundswell.  They protested at bank foreclosures and forced
farm auctions.  They made a difference and his popularity with farmers is
legendary.  The real farmers are REALLY sad.  A lot of people are REALLY

> Are you in Minnesota? I just returned from a Sierra Club conference atC
> Kentucky State University Farm. Mark Ritchie (president of the Institute
> Agriculture and Trade Policy was the key note speaker the
> night of the plane crash. Of course he was a close personnel friend of the
> entire Wellstone family, and it made for an extremely touching lecture by
> Mark on the concepts of Sustainability and Survival as they relate to
> agriculture, environment and the future of this planet. I am sorry about
> this tragedy.
> Wendel Berry also spoke about the need for continuous dialog and
> redefinition, to keep the concepts such as organic and sustainability
> In a personal converation, he told me, in response to concerns I have
> regarding our own KY Dept. of Ag Organic Certification Program falling
> as a result of the USDA impostion, that 'its got to be about Trust'.
> And in his talk (Wendel Berry) , gave a new definition for sustainable.
> 1)Nothing is wasted
> 2)Perenniality (of both landscape and the people on the land)
> 3)Diversity
> Christy

> >
> > My level of paranoia is nearly palpable with the loss of Well*stone.
> > The shock is measurable though.
> > I guess in comparison to the DC area folks at least in this case there
> a
> > feeling of culpability not just the unknown.
> >
> > There is a rhythm and a field however hard to divine.
> >
> > In Love & Light
> > Markess
> >

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