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Biotech Firm Mishandled Corn in Iowa

By Justin Gillis
Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, November 14, 2002; Page E01

The biotechnology company that mishandled gene-altered corn in Nebraska
did the same thing in Iowa, the government disclosed yesterday. Fearing
that pollen from corn not approved for human consumption may have spread
to nearby fields of ordinary corn, the U.S. Department of Agriculture
ordered 155 acres of Iowa corn pulled up in September and incinerated.

The disclosure raised new questions about the conduct of ProdiGene Inc.,
a company in College Station, Tex., that is now under investigation for
allegedly violating government permits in two states. The ProdiGene
matter is proving to be a black eye for the biotech industry, which has
been trying to reassure the public it can be trusted not to contaminate
the food supply.

The new disclosure also is likely to have a political impact in Iowa,
where politicians of both parties have been attacking a new
industry-sponsored moratorium on planting genetically altered corn
anywhere in the Midwest corn belt. The ProdiGene case is an example of
the kind of breakdown that moratorium is meant to prevent.

Both the government and environmental groups have long been keeping
watch on ProdiGene, a small privately held company pushing aggressively
to turn corn plants into mini-factories to produce protein-based
pharmaceutical or industrial products. ProdiGene is the only company to
have entered commercial production of such a protein, an enzyme called
trypsin, and it is working on many others.

In neither Nebraska nor Iowa did gene-altered corn, or soybeans growing
in the same fields, enter the food supply, said Cindy Smith, acting head
of biotechnology regulation for the USDA.

"It wasn't luck" that inspectors caught the problems before any
unapproved products entered the food supply, she said. "It was planned

She made it clear the government considers the violations significant
and is weighing serious penalties. In addition, she said, the department
may consider revising its rules to lessen the chance of similar problems
in the future.

ProdiGene has acknowledged only "compliance challenges," releasing few
details. Anthony G. Laos, the company's president and chief executive,
said in a statement last night that the Iowa situation had been "fully
resolved to the complete satisfaction of the U.S. government."

Before the Iowa case was disclosed, environmental groups attacked USDA
officials yesterday for their handling of a problem in which 500,000
bushels of Nebraska soybeans got mixed with a small number of
genetically modified ProdiGene corn plants, calling the mixing a "gross
failure" of the regulatory system designed to protect the food supply.
Several groups assailed the government's refusal to identify the
industrial or pharmaceutical protein that may have been contained in the

"There is a genetically engineered pharmaceutical or industrial chemical
that mistakenly entered into the grain supply, only one stop away from
getting into our food, and the government isn't talking," said Matt
Rand, biotechnology campaign manager for the National Environmental
Trust. "The public has the right to know what's going on."

It was unclear yesterday whether the corn involved in the Iowa and
Nebraska cases was the same variety, or whether they were different
varieties designed to produce two different proteins. The USDA and the
Food and Drug Administration have quarantined 500,000 bushels of
soybeans at a grain warehouse in Aurora, Neb., while deciding what to

About 500 bushels of soybeans, containing a small but detectable amount
of leaves and stalks from gene-altered corn plants, were mixed into the
500,000 bushels, compromising the whole lot. USDA and FDA officials have
said the beans probably will be destroyed or turned into fuel.

In both the Iowa and Nebraska cases, ProdiGene, or farmers working for
the company, grew test plots of gene-altered corn in 2001. Ordinary
soybeans were planted in the same fields in 2002, but a few corn seeds
left over from the year before sprouted. ProdiGene was required to
ensure those corn plants were removed before they could contaminate the
soybeans or spread pollen to nearby cornfields, but the company failed
to do so, the government has said.

In the Iowa case, the gene-altered corn may have been spreading pollen
at the same time plants in nearby fields were receptive, raising the
theoretical possibility that genes unapproved for human or animal
consumption could have spread into ordinary field corn, the USDA said.
Government inspectors therefore ordered that 155 acres of nearby corn be
uprooted and burned.

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