or any other "germ theory" really. The flat-worlder Muggles in my profession
(veterinary medicine) always want to joust with us HOLISTIC vets by getting
into a discussion about the details of the germ itself, the Pasteurean view
that GERMS CAUSE DISEASE. As you will see, the government really wants
everyone to think it is a germ problem too.

As long as the battle is drawn on the wrong battleground, both sides lose.
Case in point, this latest discussion is not REALLY about E. Coli, nor are
the arguments really about parasites,  mold, mosquitoes, flies, ticks, and
it is never really about any germ. It ain't an issue about CONTAMINATED BD
PREPS either.   The germs are just bit-players cleaning up in the aftermath
of a pagan orgy. This is about THE LOSS OF THE HOLISTIC VIEW. The holistic
generalists believe it is crucial not to get drawn into arguments about the
germs. You will lose.

Don't get me wrong, the germs ARE real. They will also kill you real dead.
They can cause your farm to be destroyed or bankrupted. It is just that
focusing on them is like building more prisons and draconian punishments
instead of figuring out how to help people from turning to crime in the
first place.

There is a tendency in the "alternative" modalities to not see the big
picture. "Organic" farmers often tend to use conventional farming
mentalities without the band-aids (antibiotics, pesticides, hormones) and
then they find it can be EVEN WORSE than conventional farming.  Animals are
often raised on the HOLY TRIANGLE of corn, soybeans and alfalfa instead of
the true diet in nature which would include variety, seasonal variation and
rotational grazing. Biodiversity is not only not taught in ag school it is
lost in traditional wisdom as well. When domestic animals can forage a vast
variety of "weeds" they can heal their systems. Confinement concentrates
parasites and undesirable organisms.

A further compounding of problems occur with the feedlot mentality. JERRY
BRUNETTI says we are raising cattle like hogs, ignoring the fact that
ruminants never evolved to be processors of "hot" grain rations as these
food options basically don't exist in nature. The most absurd manifestation
of  dumb-down farming is that 90+% of the BISON raised is finished off in a
feed lot!  For shame!  But we are now  getting to the true conditions that
allow pathogenic bacteria to find a nice home and raise their young.

Dairy cattle suffer even worse because of the damage in the rumen due to the
hot rations designed to produce even more low-quality milk. They are kept
indoors most of their life and the food is conveyered past them so walking
becomes not only not necessary, it is undesirable to this type of farm
mentality who sees walking as "wasting energy" away from milk production.
Genetic engineering has created cattle that do not like grazing! They prefer
ground-up artificial rations and are not willing to walk around outside.  I
could go on and on for hours about all the travesties that enable imbalances
of microorganisms to occur but this is not the place for that.

You can extrapolate the same farm management perversities to the turkey,
chicken, egg layer industries,  and even sheep and goat operations now. Oh,
and add most of the elk, deer and fish farms to the lists.

If you are an HERBALIST these days, you might be asked "Hey Doc,  what's a
good herbal Prozac?" completely neglecting the HOLISTIC approach which
would, first of all, ask why do you need a stress medicine?"  HOMEOPATHS are
likewise asked to come up with "homeopathic" vaccines and antibiotics.  Many
"specialists" in these fields just fall right into the trap. They haven't
even been taught the BIG PICTURE so they remain myopic.

To make matters even worse, as Jerry points out  in his lectures, there is a
ton of MONEY to be made in selling "band-aids" and very little or no money
in selling holistic concepts. It fact, it  often pleases people to purchase
alternative remedies and potions whereas it aggravates them to be reminded
of major flaws in their whole program.  They may even turn on you! (So will
your profession! Ask me.)

I fear this whole mindset will happen as well with advocates of BIO-DYNAMICS
who may try to raise cattle with corn, beans and alfalfa thinking that if
they  are raised with BD standards then it is BD. How about a BD feedlot
operation? Or a BD confinement sow operation? I'm just saying it could

We are now headed towards governmental mandates requiring IRRADIATION of
animal foods. People become scared shitless to eat anything!  Guvment  loves
this space-age high-tech technology (Joel Saladin will NEVER have it!)
because it not only makes the food consumer more vulnerable and more
sheep-like but also because it encourages people  tolerate and even love
nuclear (now "NUC-U-LUR"). technology.   All this  will make it even easier
to bypass locally-grown food and ship in the Third World food. Sterilized
food ships quite well across the ocean. All this food is, of course, managed
and owned by the agri-business megalithic corporations that vote in the
administrations that support them. Creating food that can be banked and used
as a terrorist weapon. First, destroy self-reliance.  After all,  regulating
and withholding food is how we really killed off those pesky Injuns.

 Stirring people up about the boogie-men organisms creates a populace
PARALYZED by FEAR.  Media is desperate for the next BIG SCARE  and adds to
the injustice further clouding of the TRUE CAUSES. All this just plays right
into this Bush-Clinton-Blair plan of destroying agriculture in the US and
Britain. So, that is why I won't talk about E. coli.

Will Winter

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