The Seedsaver's Network <> is just what I was sketchingly
thinking about.  Aussies are way ahead of me and are working already in some of
the countries I was concerned about!  I need to think about this some more and
find out whether any US seedsaver groups are doing this kind of work. I think
Oregon Tilth is working on seed saving.  Most of our varieties wouldn't be
appropriate for the South.  Are there more seedsaver networks such as this in
other countries?  What other developing countries have such opportunities?  Can
someone else give me more URLs.

Thanks,  Merla

Gil Robertson wrote:

> Hi! Merla,
> Good Post. Most important.
> A group in Oz is doing some good work, they travel and actually set up
> locally based Seed Banks and teach the locals to save and maintain their own
> seed. Where needed, additional types of vegetables and fruit are made
> available from other seed banks. In Oz we also have our local seed banks, as
> well as drawing on the National one at Seedsavers.
> Check them at :-
> Gil
> Merla Barberie wrote:
> > When I read the email that Cornell University and USAID are doing a 5
> > year project to promote GMO seeds in the Philippines, Indonesia,
> > Bangladesh, India and Africa, I was abashed.

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