What I'm getting at is that felt a lot of remorse brought on by the fact that we have no similar organization in the US. Many of the questions that are brought up by new people on the list would be dealt with so much better through a farm visit rather than a reading list or a wisdom thrown into the dark.

Barring the development of an organization of cooperative farmers, even simply returning to the 'professional BD farm advisor' system that existed when I got started in biodynamics would be a wonderful thing.

It seems that folks feel I was bashing the BDA in my post earlier today.
I have not expetations of the BDA. I realize that if 'we' want a program like I'm lamenting that we don't have, than we'll have to make it ourselves. I'm a pretty self-actualized person. I'm not expecting someone else to do it, although I am expecting that we can (and should!) do it together.


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