Alright - Guru status!
at last
do I get a certificate

----- Original Message -----
From: "D & S Chamberlain" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, January 07, 2003 11:31 AM
Subject: Re: BD Farming in America

> Glen: Good to know you're still out there listening and your new guru
> has not affected your demeanour.
> > In my experience, Positions of power are sought by people in need of
> Of course, why else would they take on thankless jobs and become targets
> snipers. Hopefully they will use their power for the benefit of all.

I always live in hope of such an occurrence.

> > We have one (too) long serving council member who -after being reelected
> at
> > the last AGM- stated 'anything he does not want to happen in the
> association
> > will not happen'. Too bad he did not say it before the election.
> > This same member has been formally asked to resign by fellow council
> > members
> Then the system is working, the fact that his fellow councillors are aware
> of his shortcomings reduces his power. There's no way to ensure our own
> version of perfection in all councillors.

The other limitations of the system however perpetuates this negativity for
years longer than necessary, and wastes far more opportunities than we can
really spare.
Are we not all on the same team? Should not all interested parties be
involved to their abitlities, as a community, instead of being separated as
threats to each other?

> > We need a free and open media to have a half decent form of democracy
> Very, very true. Some years ago I used get the NZBD Association journal I
> remember they used to publish your somewhat vitriolic letters attacking
> then leadership, is that what you mean? I believe that all executive
> minutes should be published.

My 'vitriolic letters' contained challenging information some would consider
liabilous, however I have never been pursued on such charges, as what I
outlined was true. The corruption of the system allowed such things to occur
and be perpetuated over many years. After some 6 years on the council,
trying to deal with it "nicely"  I was very angry, about such things
occurring in a organisation selling integrity. Anger is an emotion I believe
is at times very appropriate, and I certainly felt OK to express it then.
Every action has an opposite and equal reaction. As a Sun Neptune in Libra
being, I have been blessed and challenged, with an ability to express 'the
reaction' to circumstance and especially abuse. What I confronted in those
letters sure appeared to me as abuse of every ethical  and moral code you
may like to present. Others know this to be true. The sad thing is the
dreages of those days still linger on polluting the organisation to this

As we have seen on this list - a BD free speech zone- we have developed
through our rage and separateness and developed into a more mature forum
where these things can be bought forward, discussed and acted upon by those
who see fit. So a Association newsletter can act as a forum for discussion
amoungst far flung members. Editors control as they wish, so best to not
have one, if you want truth.

The BDANZ is still far from building any sense of 'community' with the
resource they have available. It is still a small club /cult imaging the
views of the few. The longer they stay as a exclusive cult, the quicker they
become irrelevant. Who needs them?

> > A leadership which empowers its membership will be supported by the
> > membership.
> > No membership support means they - as a whole- did not support your
> policies
> > and actions.
> Ah if it was only so! My experience is that if the membership is happy
> the way things are going, they become complacent and happy to leave all
> work to the few, who in their craze for power do all the work. The
> apathy is not good for the organisation.

And so we see another negative manifestation of the craze for power.

How about people brimming with enthusiasm who are resourced by the community
for the good of the community providing exciting new avenues of exploration
and possibilities. Is this not a 3 fold social order ideal?

I have been inspired and broadened these last few years through the wealth
of imput coming through this ALIVE stream of enthusiastic 'members' on BDNOW
who dare to be heretics and live Biodynamics in their lives as it expresses
for them , and then share it.
Now how can this ethos been bought into the life of the BD associations? Get
rid of the deadwood paranoics and swing all available resources into action!
We got a PLANET to save.

Its nice to have a few moments to comment

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Garuda" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Sent: Monday, 6 January 2003 7:47 PM
> Subject: Re: BD Farming in America
> > David
> > > If you want good leadership in a democratic organisation, or country
> > > that matter, it is the responsibility of the membership or citizens to
> use
> > > their rights to ensure that A) You have good leaders and B) The
> > > carry out the  masses wishes.
> > >
> > If only this was possible.
> > In my experience, Positions of power are sought by people in need of
> > and in their need they are there to pursue their personal goals.
> > We have one (too) long serving council member who -after being reelected
> at
> > the last AGM- stated 'anything he does not want to happen in the
> association
> > will not happen'. Too bad he did not say it before the election.
> > This same member has been formally asked to resign by fellow council
> > members, however due to a strickly controlled NZBDA media none of the
> > general membership have heard anything abpout the debilitating effect he
> has
> > had for many years.
> > We need a free and open media to have a half decent form of democracy.
> > A leadership which enpowers its membership will be supported by the
> > membership.
> > No membership support means they - as a whole- did not support your
> policies
> > and actions.
> > Glen A
> >
> >

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