Do it like this, ok folks? -AB
 Why  501?  The way Roger explained the affect was that the grass was
 quickly.  Did this draw in more light, creating more heat and intensity?
 Which would also be reasoning for applying it in the heat of the day?
 it work any other time of day?  If so would it be as quick as the heat of
 the day?  Somehow I don't think it would be as intense, but then again I
 know nothing...
Hi Liz, James,Roger.
                                   Thankfully  Roger is out of the fires for
the time being (according to the news anyway) but I have several friends
around Bright in NE Victoria and according to the TV map the Castagna
vineyard at Beechworth is not far from where one is burning too - this is
not over by a long shot yet - only widespread rain in the mountains will end
       Liz re the 501 - I think I might have told you once - sometimes you
have to hit me over the head with a brick - when I read the original post on
this I was not that excited, thinking that they (Roger and James) were
treating pasture land and would be burning up all the other species as
well - 501 has a reputation for firing things and I couldnt see how this
would be selective - burning up the love grass and leaving the more tender
and desirable pasture species seemed a bit unlikely - now thanks to your
post and James just before I am sitting here wondering if the little wizard
has just given us the BD equivalent of roundup!!. This could turn into a
very useful trick.
Lloyd Charles

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