I will say this, though. Unlike Elaine Ingham who at least has the courage
to defend her views in public forums such as SANET and the Compost Tea list,
I have never seen Brinton or Bess do so, nor present a coherent argument or
data in support of their critique where anyone could see it and evaluate it.
I notice Allan also does not have the guts to flat out say in a forum that
Elaine monitors, that he now believes Brinton and not her ('egg on my face'
and like that). That's his choice and theirs, but it doesn't really help us
understand the details of all this much.

Brinton has data. He has published two studies in BIODYNAMICS in the 90's If anyone has the one on Barrel Compost as an effective control for foliar diseases, I'd appreciate it if they'd post it here.

When we get this audio streaming worked out, I have Bess' presentation and Brinton's presentations to make available. They come after the awesome Fred K. "Community" post - IF we get some cooperation on making these files work.

Come on Frank, you're sharp enough to know what I'm doing here. It's my job to bring ideas to the group, to keep people thinking. To keep the sausage rolling in the frying pan. As you concluded in your post otherwise: "Don't believe me, but consider this when you're thinking for yourself." If your pendulum is stuck, I'll be there for you. I'm not a primary source, but I'm happy to give you the finger...I mean POINTER to another, potentially valid, point of view. Let's hope that people get out of the easy chair and put this stuff into practice.

If I can get you off from your well articulated duff and make a post like you have, and hopefully the follow-ups to it, I've accomplished what my goal was.

Making a virtue of Elaine's willingness to quibble in public forums is rather questionable. Valid or not, I can assure you that it is costing her a lot of respect in some circles. After a while, no matter how brilliant a person is, or has been, reflective individuals start hoping that person will start getting more sleep - - and wondering how or why they don't!

As for myself, this is not a 'head' issue at this point. This is a "get out there and do it" issue. (I will report that the best 'magic' effect I've seen from compost tea to date was with a batch of three week old almost totally ignored Will Brinton unstirred compost tea. Man, that stuff REALLY promoted quality plant growth.)

As far as your worms, well, we can talk about that later.

"Our aim is Religion, our method is Science" Break out of the castes!!

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