Sorry to say that I missed the big blizzard that crippled the northeast for a 
few days.  The family trip included a drive from NY to FLA, some 1400 miles 
one way.  We rode down south in front of the storm, leaving rain and snow in 
our wake.  We boarded the SS Norway[exIle de France] and cruised east 
northeast by east for two and one half days and moored off of St. Maartin 
leaving Winter far behind.  We left the care of the homestead and the cows to 
some friends from North Carolina who wanted to see some of NY.  They arrived 
Sunday night to wake up to the umpending blizzard.  It is about 2000 feet 
from our house to the cow pen, a tough trip in a blinding blizzard especially 
for some southern crackers.  I do not know what the southern rebels would 
have done if they won the civil war.   
The green house is filling up with flats of newly seeded trays.  This week I 
will go in and spray with a bc tea laced with trace minerals.  This afternoon 
I will spray the thousand yards of leaves delivered to the farm by the town 
with equisetum, bc, and 500.  The fields are messy so I will do some other 
sprays from the driveways and headlands of the farm.  The tea brewers are 
will get fired up this week too.  I sprayed two sites in Southampton Village 
yesterday on top of the snow and I sprayed a tree with the mix that is set up 
as a prep broadcaster.  Hopeful that Winter has given us its best and is 
retreating to the north, surrendering to the inevitable spring, I sometimes  
wonder when the Earth Mother is going to say enough and not deliver Spring to 
us so readily.  So here on the Green Thumb Farm we show her that there are 
those who care and love her and her bounty and work in service of the Earth.  
You all do the same, and don't forget who is the "boss"...  sstorch

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