Yah I know I am cheeky.
The only problem I find in dealing with a quantum reality is that you have to have a very flexible brain or spine or both because it is what causes most people to seek Psychiatric advice. A normal ego based shrink would have a field day in this chat room. I always question everything.... in my belief system and discard everything that does not fit and Biodynamic Agriculture is a perfect fit.

something I wrote when I was 19yrs old

Children Of The Sun

we will dance till dawn you and I
the way the ancients did and continue to do
our dance is of the moon and sun
will we always be fighting and never apart?
till a tear of light drips from the Son to earth
sending us to freedom and salvation

In this time of war of the ignorant
A sincere heartfelt

On Thursday, March 20, 2003, at 04:47 PM, Moen Creek wrote:
I see that I got to demonstrate the fundamentals of reality.
Everything in a quantum world is based on: Stimuli - Belief - Response.
With the subtext that all data is cooked to support the belief we choose to believe.

I chose to remember a story told around a Beltane fire in such a way that it supported the belief I had regarding Eric's expression of his beliefs and responses to the stimuli of SS and Allan.

Hafiz writes:

I can
See angels
Sitting on your ears,

Polishing trumpets,
Replacing lute strings,
Stretching new skins on the drums
And gathering wood for the evening's fire.

They all danced last night
But you did not
Hear them.

If you ask Hafiz for advice
On how to befriend their sweet voices
And how to have the nourishing
Company of the finer

I would reply,

"I could not say anything
You could not
Tell me."

What was the use of this story?

I just felt like Talking.


In Love & Light

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