On 10/11/2013 7:49 AM, Robert Nelson wrote:
> On Thu, Oct 10, 2013 at 8:43 PM, Charles Steinkuehler
> <char...@steinkuehler.net> wrote:
>> On 10/10/2013 7:09 PM, Robert Nelson wrote:
>>> Regression/testing:
>>> Are we missing any kernel config settings from 3.8 that you used?
>>> Does your Cape still work?

If it wasn't obvious, my initial comments were meant to be
toung-in-cheek.  Great work on 3.12, but I need enough out-of-tree code
I'll be stuck playing catch-up on 3.8 for a while.

>> Does it come with Xenomai support?!?  :)
> I sense, we have a new maintainer for github.com/beagleboard/kernel

I'm sure I don't know what you mean...

< me: runs and hides >


> If we are going to add the Xenomai patchset, i'd feel more comfortable
> if we had a developer who is using/testing/etc..
> Part of the goal of that repo, is just have enough for everyone to use
> and base off it (for Fedora, arch, etc..)

I don't think the xenomai patches should be in the defalut Beagle*
kernels.  I was meaning more that xenomai just recently began working on
3.8 kernels for the ARM architecture, and work is ongoing to get 3.10
kernels working on x86.  I suspect it will be a while before ARM 3.12
kernels have an easy-to-apply xenomai patch.  :-/

>> And when can we expect SGX acceleration?
> I can't answer that.  I'm a user too like you guys, and i hate NDA's
> with a passion and closed "stuff"..

I'm hopeing I can get the SGX drivers working on 3.8.  I'm back home and
can test now, if only I could find some time...

I did hear rumors here about TI jumping from 3.2 to 3.12 kernel support
for the SGX drivers, so if that actually happens, I can probably manage
porting the xenomai stuff.  At least it's open source!  :)

Charles Steinkuehler

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