That has definitely gotten me one step closer, thank you.

After using that command i typed

cat /sys/devices/platform/bone_capemgr/slots
and got this result
 0: PF----  -1
 1: PF----  -1
 2: PF----  -1
 3: PF----  -1
 4: P-O-L-   0 Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,cape-universaln
 5: P-O-L-   1 Override Board Name,00A0,Override Manuf,BB-ADC

Now the next step in the instructions that i've found says that I should 
search the /sys/ directory for files with "ain" in the name
find /sys/ -iname "ain*"

this results in 0 files being found.

I guess the newer kernels don't use "ain" files for reporting the inputs.  
Once again my googlefu has failed to return a useful result.

Anyone have any ideas on where exactly I find the data coming in the inputs?

Thanks in advance for any advice.

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