On Sun, Aug 12, 2018 at 12:36 PM Robert Julius Worm
<robert.julius.w...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Having bought a Beaglebone Rev A5C I wanted to flash the latest Stretch LXQT.
> In the process of doing so a couple of issues occured.
> When first plugging in the BBB USB connection no devices are recognized in 
> the device manager.
> Neither COM ports, nor network adapters.
> Installing the Drivers did not work either. Also tried
> Anyways I went ahead and wrote the image to a micro SD card.
> Booting from SD is possible - logging into debian with temppwd.
> However sudo for root with a blank password does not work.
> Therefore modifying 'sudo nano /boot/uEnv.txt' for eMMC is not possible.
> When I try to flash whatsover, pressing down SW2, the normal 'heartbeat' 
> blinking comes on, not the expected continuous '1-2-3-4'
> I have also tried to recover the root password in case the previous owner had 
> one set and it's blocking somehow.
> Unfortunately the UART-USB can't establish a connection - I guess also 
> because USB is not showing up?
> Not having used the UART adapter before I cannot verify..
> Am I missing a point here?
> Is 'heartbeat' normal for flashing and I have not waited long enough?

The A5C only has a 2GB eMMC, first thing to double check, did you try
flashing the 2GB LXQT or the 4GB LXQT image?

Because, trying to flash the bigger image on the A5C will leave the
eMMC in a fun un-bootable state...  Till you reflash it with a 2GB


Robert Nelson

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