Connected to BBB using tty  specifically putty

logged and ls -a give me directory infor.

Trying to upload a file "test.txt" to the BBB from my local computer

Tried all these. nothing works.  What stupid mistake am I making?

Putty is running in the directory that "test.txt" resides.
the directory testing exists in the root on the BBB.  I see it with ls -a
I can cd to it and find no files in it. As it should be.

I try unsuccessfully to upload a file to it.  What am I doing wrong?

root@beaglebone:~/testing# cp test.txt test.txt

cp: cannot stat 'test.txt': No such file or directory

root@beaglebone:~/testing# cp C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test.txt 

-bash: AdministratorDesktoptest.txt: command not found
cp: missing destination file operand after 'C:Users'
Try 'cp --help' for more information.

root@beaglebone:~/testing# cp\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test.txt /root/testing/test.txt

cp: cannot stat '': No such 
file or directory

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