On Thu, May 7, 2020 at 12:22 PM maxmike <maxmikes...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I was hopeful to return here after weaving my system together and thank @rcn 
> for all his help,
> but I'm not out of the woods yet.
> All the pins initialize correctly (even 8.13 pwm, which is now in a new file) 
> but as soon
> as I write the value 47 into /sys/class/gpio/export pin 8.15 disappears 
> again. In Debian 8
> I used /sys/class/gpio/* for export, unexport, and /sys/class/gpio/gpio# for 
> direction, value, edge, etc.
> This is no longer valid under Debian 10. Sigh

idk, in the out of box default configuration, all valid pin's are
pre-exported..  Including 47

debian@bbb-pwr03-ser11:/sys/class/gpio$ ls
export   gpio117  gpio26  gpio37  gpio5   gpio68  gpio77  gpio9
gpio10   gpio12   gpio27  gpio38  gpio50  gpio69  gpio78  gpiochip0
gpio11   gpio13   gpio3   gpio39  gpio51  gpio7   gpio79  gpiochip32
gpio110  gpio14   gpio30  gpio4   gpio60  gpio70  gpio8   gpiochip64
gpio111  gpio15   gpio31  gpio44  gpio61  gpio71  gpio80  gpiochip96
gpio112  gpio19   gpio32  gpio45  gpio62  gpio72  gpio81  unexport
gpio113  gpio2    gpio33  gpio46  gpio63  gpio73  gpio86
gpio114  gpio20   gpio34  gpio47  gpio65  gpio74  gpio87
gpio115  gpio22   gpio35  gpio48  gpio66  gpio75  gpio88
gpio116  gpio23   gpio36  gpio49  gpio67  gpio76  gpio89
debian@bbb-pwr03-ser11:/sys/class/gpio$ uname -r

i'm wondering what blocking that auto export?


Robert Nelson

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