On Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 9:13 AM, <mplo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Guys hi,
> As many of you i use git to track changes of main beancount file,
> importers, etc.
> For now i was using git locally, but today created private repo on
> bitbucket and pushed all the files.
> Do you also keep your files on github/bitbucket? Or it's bad idea? It's
> relatively sensitive information - there is no passwords, full account #s
> or anything, but still my financial data is there.

Personally I wouldn't do it. It's all living in encrypted & buried hidden
places even on my home computer, in case it gets robbed. Even my backup
drives are encrypted. I think the answer depends on how secure you feel
about your data in other people's hands, and what you think they might be
able to do with it. That's an individual choice, I don't think there's a
right answer.

For instance, do you think anything could be done with a list of all your
accounts? (What type of security questions does your bank ask you to
authenticate you? Have you ever been asked "What accounts do you have with
us?" or "How much is the balance of this account?")  And do you happen to
your similar password schemes across different accounts? If I can crack one
of your passwords, does that give me hints on cracking the ones from the
rest of the list? Maybe it's a little paranoid, but why take the chance?

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