On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 11:10:59PM -0500, Martin Blais wrote:
> I'm seeing none of that. I deleted one earlier, and I'm looking
> through the archive https://groups.google.com/g/beancount and I can't
> see what you're talking about. I really can't. I'm not getting these
> emails.

I've received all of those as well, and I presume that's also what
everyone else who's complaining is complaining about, because they have
increased a lot in the last few weeks (in the past it was 1 every couple
of months or so). It's reasonable that those messages are less likely to
trigger my spam filter than yours, as I routinely receive legitimate
messages in Italian, but this still doesn't explain why they do not show
up in the group archive. (Unless google groups apply some personalized
SPAM filtering based on the user that visits the archive? I have no
better explanation.) Very weird.

Stefano Zacchiroli . z...@upsilon.cc . upsilon.cc/zack          _. ^ ._
Full professor of Computer Science              o     o   o     \/|V|\/   
Télécom Paris, Polytechnic Institute of Paris     o     o o    </>   <\>
Co-founder & CTO Software Heritage            o o o     o       /\|^|/\
Former Debian Project Leader & OSI Board Director               '" V "'

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