On 3 Jun 2008, at 18:00, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Ok, I'm uploading a file to a 3rd party. The file is being uploaded to
an https site with a cgi extension. The 3rd party finally provided me
with a snippet of their Perl code. They see the attempt coming
through, but there is no data. I understand how all this works... i
think there's just a dot i'm not connecting somewhere. PLEASE HELP...
Thanks in advance!!!

In my html file I have...
<font size="4" color="#000066">File: </font><INPUT TYPE="file"
NAME="XML_DATA" size="47"></p>
<INPUT TYPE="submit" NAME="submitButtonName" VALUE="Submit Query"></p>

I'd suspect you aren't setting the enctype attribute in your form element correctly, but you didn't provide that bit of the code, so it is hard to say.


You also appear to be using <font> (which is deprecated) where you should have a <label> and your HTML is invalid due to a missing start tag for a paragraph.

David Dorward

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