I have a routine that is intended to purge duplicates from a list of
emails. It's currently not working. I've spent some time trying to
make it work, but to no avail. Below is the code. If you have any
suggestions, they would be appreciated. I remember seeing something
 foreach $email(@emails)@emails2)){
which is probably what I want.
sub purge
open (LIST, "$list") or error("$list  purge email  ");
while (my $line = <LIST>) {
@emails = split(/\r?\n|\r/, $line);
$emails2 =  @emails;
close (LIST);

foreach $email(@emails){
if($email ne $email2){
$newemail .="$email\n";

open (LIST, ">>$list") or error("$list  purge email2");
flock(LIST, LOCK_EX);
print LIST $newemail;
 close (LIST);
&success("$list has been purged of  duplicates");

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