> Hi Alexander,
> Since both scripts work on our server, and not yours, all I can think of is
> that it's something specific to your server environment.
I think that too, but can`t understand where is the problem :(.

2009/12/19 David Taiaroa <des...@panchroma.ca>

> Does something simple like this work for you? I'm trying to help you narrow
> down where the problem is.
> #!/usr/bin/perl
> use CGI ;
> $query = new CGI;#  CGI
> print $query->header;
> my $url = 'http://www.cpan.org';
> use LWP::Simple;
> my $content = get $url;
> print $content;
> print $query->end_html;
> I have it at http://joiedevivre.nb.ca/cgi-bin/test3.cgi
> Dave
>  ok. i modify it a little - i added some strings to print something before
and after print $content;
so now i have
print "before print \$content  <br>";
print $content;
print "after print  \$content <br> ";

so in shell it is works great, in browser we got -
before print $content
after print $content
... so the $content is empty.

P.S. sorry but this is my home VMware server so it could be down for some

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