Can anybody suggest the most efficient method to do the following...

I have an array of email aliases like the following:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:                       sys
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:                       coookiecom
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:               niccicamcom
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:      katyland-news_site14-request
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:             majordomo_site4
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:              melanier
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:            louisefolds
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:               swccom

... and I want to sort them in alpha order, but basic on the value between @
and : (ie the domain name in the first column). I could problably do this if
I throught about it a while, but the code would be REALLY messy, so I'm
interested to know what the "correct" way to go about it might be. :)

Any ideas?

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