Hi Jim,

thanks for replying to Ray. See below for my comments.

On Mon, 3 Jun 2013 16:18:53 -0700
Jim Gibson <jimsgib...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Jun 3, 2013, at 4:01 PM, Rahim Fakir wrote:
> > Iam using win 7 64bits, and i downloaded Strawberry, and I use Perl PAckage
> > Manager to install modules, insted of Cpan command. I know how to install
> > them, but I need instrucions how to use them, step by step, how-to run the
> > modules.
> Each module is used differently. Almost all modules can be included in your
> program with the statement (usually near the beginning of your program):
>   use Module;
> where you substitute the name of the module you are going to use for
> "Module". This statement imports the module's program statements into your
> program. This happens at compile time, no matter where in your program you
> actually put the 'use' statement.
> You can also import modules using 'do' or 'require', but you need to know
> what those do and why to use them before you use them instead of 'use'.
> Modules come in two flavors: procedural and object-oriented. Some modules
> support both flavors. Most modules come with built-in documentation that
> describes how to use them, usually including some sample code statements. To
> access the documentation, you can do the following on a command-line:
>       perldoc Module
> Strawberry Perl may afford another way of accessing documentation.
> Procedural modules will import functions into your namespace, so you can just
> call these functions as if they were part of built-in Perl or part of your
> own program.

Well, it is a good idea to explicitly import these subroutines to avoid
having to hunt where these subroutines are coming from:

So you do:

        use Module qw( func1 func2 func3 );

Instead of:

        use Module;

> Object-oriented modules allow you to create "objects" of the module class,
> and call methods of those objects. To create an object instance of the Module
> class:
>   my $object = Module->new();
> The new() method is a convention. It could be called anything, but most OO
> modules use a new() method for object creation, Some new() methods take
> arguments.
> To call a method on the object:
>   $object->method();
> See the documentation for each module to find out what functions and methods
> are available.
> There are Perl tutorials for using modules and doing object-oriented
> programming:
>   perldoc perlmod
>   perldoc perlmodlib
>   perldoc perlmodstyle
>   perldoc perlmodinstall
>   perldoc perlboot
>   perldoc perltoot
>   perldoc perltooc

perlboot, perltoot and perltooc have been deprecated and deleted from the Perl
documentation. See:


You should use http://perldoc.perl.org/perlootut.html and
http://perldoc.perl.org/perlobj.html instead. For more resources see:

http://perl-begin.org/topics/object-oriented/ (a link to my site)

Thanks again.


        Shlomi Fish

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