Hi Michael,

On Mon, 3 Jun 2013 16:38:25 -0700
Michael Rasmussen <mich...@jamhome.us> wrote:

> On Tue, Jun 04, 2013 at 12:01:09AM +0100, Rahim Fakir wrote:
> > Iam using win 7 64bits, and i downloaded Strawberry, and I use Perl PAckage
> > Manager to install modules, insted of Cpan command.
> > I know how to install them, but I need instrucions how to use them, step by
> > step, how-to run the modules.
> > Best regards
> > Ray
> Hi Ray,
> So, I assume you downloaded whatever modules you chose to because you wanted 
> the whatever functionality they provide.  Since I don't know _what_ modules 
> you chose I'll give an imaginary example and then a specific example from a 
> favorite module I use.
>   Having said that:
> The CPAN page for a module always includes a SYNOPSIS - this gives a very
> terse example of using the module.  Check there.
> For our example I'll use the fictional raspberry.pm.
> It's synopsis reads;
>    use raspberry;
>    my $answer = raspberry();

Just a note - you should not call your modules or packages with an initial
lowercase letter, as this is reserved for pragmas:

http://perl-begin.org/tutorials/bad-elements/#lowercase_modules_and_pkgs (link
to a page I created).

> The description says:
> raspberry returns a line from the raspberry wisdom list.
> In your code then it might be used:
>     #!/usr/bin/perl    
>     use warnings;
>     use strict;
>     use raspberry;   # the use line incorporates the module code into your
> program
>     my $answer = raspberry(); # the function call uses code from the module
> that you didn't write
>     print $answer, $/;
> and the output might be something like 
>     Raspberries are delicious!  Eat some soon to feel good!
> Now for a specific, real world example:
>     #!/usr/bin/perl
>     use Data::Dumper; 

You forgot strict and warnings.

>     [ imagine a bunch of code that does something, but you don't quite know
> what            ] [ someone else wrote it, and it's now time for you to fix a
> problem                     ] [ there's a huge complex data structure that
> hash of arrays or a hash of hashes or ...? ]
>     print Dumper( \%my_hash_with_who_knows_what ):


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish       http://www.shlomifish.org/
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