Seyi Ogunbona wrote:
> Hi,


> Two things.
> Firstly, I would like to know if it is possible to
> write in a program or script in perl to read a set of
> two numbers seperated by a comma,  I have exported to
> a  text file and the put
> the numbers in another  table as arguements.

Yes, it is possible and perl provides a function specifically for this
purpose - split().

while ( <SOMETHING> ) {
    my ( $one, $two ) = split /,/;

Another way to do it is to use a regular expression.

while ( <SOMETHING> ) {
    my ( $one, $two ) = /(\d+)\D+(\d+)/;

> Secondly, can you give me directions if yes to above,
> I  have written a script that will take the numbers,
> and put then in another text file but I am stuck with
> geting perl to treat them as variables
> for the next text file. shown below

Sorry, I don't understand what you mean by "treat them as variables for
the next text file." and your example below doesn't help much either.

> #! usr/bin/perl -w
> open(PRE, "d:\mac.txt")      || die " cannot open
> mac.txt for reading: $!";
> open(POST, ">info.txt")       || die " cannot create
> info_sbu.txt: $!";
> while (<PRE>)  {# read a line from mac.txt into $_
>        print POST $_; # print that line to info.txt
> }
> #Close(PRE)  || die "can't close mac.txt: $!" ;
> #close(POST) || die "can't close info_sbu.txt: $!" ;
> any suggestions or nudge in the right direction is
> greatly appreciated

use Perl;

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