From:                   Michael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I am a true perl newbie. 

If you continue like this you will stay one.

> I am supposed to:
> Write a program that finds lines in an input file and copies them to an 
> output file . The program takes the following arguments:
>    an input file name (a mandatory argument)
>    an output filename (an optional argument, set to STDOUT if omitted), 
>    a starting position number that marks the beginning of the offset (an      
>    optional argument, set to the beginning of the input file if omitted) 
>    an ending position number that marks the end of the offset (an optional    
>    argument, set to the end of the input file if omitted)
> If any mandatory argument is omitted or the command is followed by a help 
> switch, your program prints out a usage on the screen (Hint: use to 
> verify the conditions).
> ...

But this is really cool. This guy's even too lazy to at least reword 
the request, he copies the whole homework assignment over here 
without changing a single word. I'm surprised he did not leave the 
name & email of his profesor at the end.

Listen Michael, we don't do homeworks here. We are here to help 
people learn Perl, to help people finish their projects, but we are 
not here to do their work for them. How do you expect to learn 
anything if someone else does everything for you?


=========== [EMAIL PROTECTED] == ==========
There is a reason for living. There must be. I've seen it somewhere.
It's just that in the mess on my table ... and in my brain.
I can't find it.
                                        --- me

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