> was wondering if there were a translation in PERL so I could have my Netware
> servers send heartbeats to the heartbeat server?
>       Title: PyHeartbeat - detecting inactive computers
>       Submitter: Nicola Larosa
>       # Filename: HeartbeatClient.py
>       """Heartbeat client, sends out an UDP packet periodically"""
>       import socket, time
>       SERVER_IP = ''; SERVER_PORT = 43278; BEAT_PERIOD = 5
>       print ('Sending heartbeat to IP %s , port %d\n'
>           'press Ctrl-C to stop\n') % (SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT)
>       while True:
>           hbSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
>           hbSocket.sendto('PyHB', (SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT))
>           if __debug__: print 'Time: %s' % time.ctime()
>           time.sleep(BEAT_PERIOD)

Checkout Socket [1] and Time::HiRes [2], both of which should be
installed already, depending on what version of perl you're working
with. The rest should be fairly simple to translate by following the
code examples. Let us know how that works out for you.

[1] <http://search.cpan.org/~nwclark/perl-5.8.6/ext/Socket/Socket.pm>
[2] <http://search.cpan.org/~jhi/Time-HiRes-1.66/HiRes.pm>

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