Derek B. Smith wrote:
> All, 


> I am trying to run logic that will copy/delete  3
> versions of log.\d+ files to their respective
> directories.  Because there are so many directories, I
> have built a hash table instead of using a bunch of
> "if else conditions" with reg exps. My problem is it
> is not returning the words_num translation from the
> print sub routine call words_to_num.  
> foreach my $log (@twoweekdir_contents) {
>   $NBlogs2[$i++] = 
>   $log if ($log =~
>    /bpcd\/log|bpdbm\/log|bptm\/log.\d+/);

Your pattern says match the string 'bpcd/log' OR 'bpdbm/log' OR 'bptm/log'
followed by any character followed by one or more digits and the pattern can
be located anywhere in the $log variable.  Are you sure that you don't want
digits after 'bpcd/log' or 'bpdbm/log'?

> }
> ##-- Build a hash look-up table for subdirs --##
>       my %subdir_for = (
> 'admin'        => 0,  'bp'         => 1, 
> 'bparchive'    => 2, 'bpbackup'    => 3,  
> 'bpbkar'       => 4, 'bpbrm'       => 5,
> [ snip ]
> 'tar'          => 47,'vault'      => 48, 
> 'vnetd'       => 49,'vopied'       => 50,
> 'bporaexp64'   => 51, 'mklogdir'    => 52,
> );
> sub words_to_num {
>    my $words = @_;

An array in scalar context returns the number of elements in that array.  You
want to use either:

    my $words = shift;


    my $words = $_[ 0 ];


    my ( $words ) = @_;

> ##-- Treat each sequence of \S+ as a word --##
>    my @words = split /\s+/, $words;
> ##-- Translate each word to its appropriate
> number --##
>     my $num = q{};
>     foreach my $word (@words) {
>        my $digit = $subdir_for{lc $word};
>        if (defined $digit) {
>           $num .= $digit;
>        }
>     }
>     return $num;

That could be written as:

sub words_to_num {
    no warnings 'uninitialized';
    join '', @subdir_for{ split ' ', lc shift }

use Perl;

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