On 12/4/06, Mug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> unshift (@INC, "/special");
> unshift (@INC, "/special/packages");
> }
> use strict;
> use InitGlobal;

And if I didn't get mis-understood on what I've studied, 'use' still
comes earlier than 'BEGIN{}', so what is the mystery why this
method can do that ?

In this particular case BEGIN comes first and simply tells Perl to
look at /special and /special/packages BEFORE looking anywhere else
for the packages you wish to "use" in your various projects.

You still need to make sure the proper functions/sub-routines are
"exported" so that your code is called in preference over the Perl

However, if you wish to control what is "required" -- say branch
logic, you will need to stick with te 'require' directive as "use"
packages referenced will always be brought in even if they are not

WC (Bill) Jones -- http://youve-reached-the.endoftheinternet.org/

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