On Tue, Jun 19, 2018 at 10:46 PM, Stu Midgley <sdm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Where Intel made the mistake was to assume they could shift people from
> GPUs.  People who have spent years writing and optimising won't shift
> easily... cause they have to go through that whole process again.  Getting
> people back to x86 once they have shifted is a long long term goal.

this is where my environment fell over with respect to KNC and KNL.
Once the dev's got their hands on the cards they realized they had to
refactor the code away from gpu's.  and the few that did, didn't get
much performance benefit over just using a gpu which they already

intel could have cornered the market from gpu's if they had released
KNL first and not been so late to the market.  once CUDA took hold,
game over.
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