Will Red Hat come out Blue Hat after IBM blue washing?

On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 at 16:21, <chuck_pet...@selinc.com> wrote:

> Cringely has some interesting observations...
> "The deal is a good fit for many reasons explained below. And remember Red
> Hat is just down the road from IBM’s huge operation in Raleigh, NC.
> "Will Amazon, Google, and Microsoft now run out and buy SUSE, Ubuntu,
> Apache, etc?  Yes.
> "Will there be a mad rush to create new Linux distros? No. I think that
> boat has already sailed and further Linux branding won’t happen, at least
> not for traditional business reasons.
> [SNIP]
> "These big questions have yet to be answered, of course. Only time will
> tell. But we’ll shortly begin to see hints. What happens to Red Hat
> management, for example? There are those who think Red Hat will, in many
> ways, become the surviving corporate culture here — that is if Red Hat’s
> Jim Whitehurst gets Ginni Rometty’s IBM CEO job as part of the deal. That’s
> what I am predicting will happen. Ginni is overdue for retirement, this
> acquisition will not only qualify her for a huge retirement package, it
> will do so in a way that won’t be clearly successful or unsuccessful for
> years to come, so no clawbacks. And yet the market will (eventually) love
> it, IBM shares will soar, and Ginni will depart looking like a genius.
> [SNIP]
> "In the end the C-suite of IBM may be finally admitting to themselves what
> you and I have known for several years — that their strategic imperatives
> are not doing as well as they promised.  They also know they’ve invested
> way too much in stock repurchases and way too little in the business.  So
> with this Red Hat deal they’ve basically bet the farm to get themselves
> back in the game.
> "With Whitehurst at the top of IBM, the company will not only have an
> outsider like Gerstner was, it will have its first CEO ever who won’t be
> coming with a sales background. This is very good, because IBM will have a
> technical leader finally running the show.
> "Let’s review:
> "Ginni Rometty is past the age where IBM likes to retire CEO’s, which is
> 60.
> "Jim Whitehurst is 51, the age when IBM likes to hire new CEO’s.
> "I don’t see Whitehurst moving to Armonk, I do see IBM moving to Raleigh.
> "I do see Whitehurst as CEO of IBM in six months or less.
> "The Red Hat team will expand their products into new areas. IBM
> executives will retire in droves because they can’t compete and will resist
> learning something new.
> *Red Hat takes over IBM*
> https://www.cringely.com/2018/10/29/red-hat-takes-over-ibm/ [cringely.com]
> <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__www.cringely.com_2018_10_29_red-2Dhat-2Dtakes-2Dover-2Dibm_&d=DwMFAw&c=-_uRSsrpJskZgEkGwdW-sXvhn_FXVaEGsm0EI46qilk&r=fawF3TRTwCqlaBkoLcxYCr4F4NRwCc64hmEgi9rHPpE&m=nBHJaAM6JyP3cvsCYzpD-gPsPm8M8gpYv5jayTSj5t8&s=tnaZNtnYayv2W8cBKjyxw_M4RSZlAU3NtCYjpkREYVo&e=>
> Chuck Petras, PE**
> Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories, Inc
> Pullman, WA  99163  USA
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