MArk Shuttleworth's statement here
I make no comment.

On Wed, 31 Oct 2018 at 00:18, Gerald Henriksen <> wrote:

> On Tue, 30 Oct 2018 13:49:05 -0400 (EDT), you wrote:
> >> "Will Amazon, Google, and Microsoft now run out and buy SUSE, Ubuntu,
> >> Apache, etc? Yes.
> >>
> >> "Will there be a mad rush to create new Linux distros? No. I think that
> boat
> >> has already sailed and further Linux branding won?t happen, at least
> not for
> >> traditional business reasons.
> >
> >Google already has one.  It's called "Android".  Microsoft has been
> >flirting with Linux for the first time in forever as every one of their
> >efforts to compete with Android and IOS has underwhelmed, if not
> >flopped.  At this point Linux actually owns a substantial chunk of the
> >desktop, in the form of Android on tablets that have largely replaced or
> >augmented actual computers,
> Not even close.  Android on tablets is essentially dead, they only
> thing the remaining tablets are used for is media viewers.
> The Android app developers never developed tablet versions of the
> apps, and Google dropped the ball yet again.
> Google's latest attempt, announced several weeks back, is an attempt
> at a ChromeOS tablet...
> And when that fails, perhaps we will finally see Fuchsia.
> > and is just under Apple in the phone market
> Depends on how you measure, some ways Android is ahead.
> But the big problem is that few people are making money from Android,
> in part because few Android users buy apps.
> >with M$ a joke down near the bottom in both domains.
> Microsoft existed the phone business several years ago, and at least
> in terms of usefulness for doing anything other than watching a movie
> their tablet offerings are far ahead of anything Android.  It's not a
> coincidence that the latest iPad Pros announced today look like
> Surface Pros.
> >But Android is
> >vulnerable -- lots of people dislike it and dislike the play store and
> >all that goes with it and with iOS.
> The only people who hate the iOS store are certain techies, and
> certain players big enough that they dislike the percentage.
> The users love it because it is hassle free and has none of the
> virus/malware/etc issues that they experience elsewhere.
> Google Play is vulnerable because Google refuses to invest in it and
> the developers increasingly leary of getting locked out with no way to
> appeal the decision.
> > IBM has the resources to actually
> >make an OPEN tablet/phone OS if they choose to and are at least as
> >likely as M$ is to be able to step into the market and steal away
> >mindshare from Android and iOS -- if they couple it to a slick AI
> >component, maybe semi-proprietary, they might even jump to the head of
> >the line as Alexa and Siri etc leave a great deal to be desired.
> Any attempt at an open tablet/phone would require signficant money and
> there is no way IBM is going to invest the money in hardware and
> software to try it.
> Say want one wants about Apple, but they have had the best ARM
> processors for mobile for a while now and noone appears to be close to
> catching up anytime soon.
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