On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 01:17:27PM +0000, Jonathan Aquilina via Beowulf wrote:
> I should give LFS a try but I always tend to get stuck somewhere.
> I need to figure out how to clone the fedora or centos package repos to at 
> least get myself started I think.

Fedora provide a script to clone Fedora - Fedora is _large_. 
EPEL is 190G of packages and I use the Fedora quick-fedora-mirror shell 
script to mirror it. Requires zsh, rsync and python - from memory.

CentOS is 222G - I use a Debian ftpsync to get that current four times a day.
That includes 7.9, 8.3 (and 8.2 currently, though that should disappear soon)
and CentOS Streams.

[There's a mirror sat next to me on the desk: feel free to ping me if you 
want further and better details as above.]

Andy Cater

> Regards,
> Jonathan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Beowulf <beowulf-boun...@beowulf.org> On Behalf Of Michael Di Domenico
> Sent: 10 December 2020 14:13
> Cc: beowulf@beowulf.org
> Subject: Re: [Beowulf] [External] RIP CentOS 8 [EXT]
> On Thu, Dec 10, 2020 at 8:05 AM Jonathan Aquilina <jaquil...@eagleeyet.net> 
> wrote:
> >
> > A fork is something im thinking about doing in all fairness. Hoping to 
> > start soon on it. Need to at this point figure out how to clone the 
> > repositories and start my own  testing etc.
> > Anyone know what the bare minimum you need in terms of packages installed 
> > to get going with a core OS and then can slowly build on top of?
> honestly, I hope it works out.  i often think about using the LFS project and 
> rolling my entirely own distro.  there's a lot of garbage in all these 
> distros (and software/libraries), i would love to strip
> it all out.   the shift in centos mantra has definitely left a vacuum
> in the market.
> as for pkg counts, i suspect you're number is ~600 or so.  i strip the rhel 
> based hpc image i build at work from the kickstart @Core group with 
> additional subtractions (stupid firmware/etc rpms) and then build up from 
> there with the things i definately need.
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