We have one storage system (DDN/GPFS) that is required to be
NIST-compliant, and we bought self-encrypting drives for it. The up-charge
for SED drives has diminished significantly over the past few years so that
might be easier than doing it in software and then having to verify/certify
that the software is encrypting everything that it should be.

On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 09:58:58AM -0400, Paul Edmon via Beowulf wrote:
> Occassionally we get DUA (Data Use Agreement) requests for sensitive data
> that require data destruction (e.g. NIST 800-88). We've been struggling with
> how to handle this in an era of distributed filesystems and disks.  We were
> curious how other people handle requests like this?  What types of
> filesystems to people generally use for this and how do people ensure
> destruction?  Do these types of DUA's preclude certain storage technologies
> from consideration or are there creative ways to comply using more common
> scalable filesystems?
> Thanks in advance for the info.
> -Paul Edmon-
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