We lost our heart dog K.C., an angel Golden at 10 years of age to cancer and 
got another Golden, Kelly as soon as we researched breeders.  Kelly is a very 
bright, beautiful, loving girl and had a tough act to follow, but she is a 
wonderful addition to our lives.  K.C. was a dark red Golden and Kelly is our 
blonde.  The Golden temperament is just that...Golden.  When we decided on a 
companion for Kelly, we had already met and fallen in love with my friend's 
Bernese Mountain Dogs. We ended up traveling twice to Canada to meet our pup 
and then to pick our up our love, Bentley, when he was old enough to travel 
with us to Long Island.  Why did we change breeds?  It was not at all because 
Goldens are too popular.  We still love Goldens, but we found that Berners 
are also wonderful companions and have very similar temperaments for the most 
part as Goldens.  Our two get along beautifully.  Kelly (5.8) had taught 
Bentley(3) how to live a Golden life and they often sit or lie down with 
one's paw crossing the other's paw.  Too cute!  Would I get another Golden? 
Of course!  Would I get another Berner?  Of course!  I love both breeds.   
Why do lovers of Goldens love Berners too?  Perhaps it is the similarities of 
breeds.  Both are big and beautiful.  Both shed a lot.  Both are "heart" dogs 
and Velcro dogs.  Both want people with them to be happy.  Both have 
wonderful temperaments.  Both love to snuggle and cuddle.  Yes, sadly both 
are prone to cancer, but I wouldn't give up living with either one.  They are 
both the center of our lives and we adore them both.
    Joyce Mills (Kelly & Bentley's mom)
    Merrick, NY & Pawlet, VT

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