Thought I'd add my insight to this topic:

"So lets hear from the golden to berner people out
there - is that why
you are switching?  In your experience with both
breeds, are their
temperaments more alike or different?  Add anything
else relevant you
can think of."

As someone who grew up with Goldens my whole life, I
never even considered another breed.  That is, until I
met my first Berner.  So when I graduated college and
moved out on my own, I got my 1st Berner, Griffon.
>From my experience, the similarities between Berners &
Goldens are: good family dogs, stubborn, loyal, &
sweet.  And contrary to popular belief- I feel Goldens
shed MORE than Berners.
Every Golden my family has had is much more hyper than
Griffon ever was.  This was one of my main reasons for
not getting a Golden of my own. 
When Griff was a pup, he would sit and want to be
loved, while  my parents' Golden was bouncing off the
walls.  The Golden we had before was the same way. 
The difference in energy levels was drastic.  
We lost Griffon to MH in November- he was a month shy
of his 5th b-day.  And deciding if we would stick with
the breed a tough decision- no way could we have our
hearts broken again.  Then, about a couple weeks after
Griffy had passed, I saw my neighbor with his Berner,
Jesse, who proceeded to sit on my feet so I could pet
him.  It was definitely bitter-sweet as Jesse &
Griffon had very similar characteristics.  But my
decision was made- I wouldn't give up on the breed-
just that particular breeder.
About a week ago we welcomed our newest Berner, Bruin,
into the family- and he is a sweetheart!  And even
comparing Bruin to my parent's 2 year-old Golden- the
hyper activity isn't there.  We just had a visit from
my parents w/ Benny- and even though I love Benny to
death, he is quite a handful =).
My parents are going to get Benny a buddy- and it will
be a Berner, not another Golden.  So yet another
family is crossing over to the Berner side.

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