Bueford has a behavioral problem that we seem unable to concur. Perhaps someone out there can help us. Buef has accompanied me to my office since birth, he is now two. Since he began toddling around the office on his own he's been exceptionally well mannered (except for food stealing) and has made this his second home. He loves everyone, is the official greeter at the reception desk and simply loves to have his back scratched by all willing. His problem is that he is terrified of an associates brief case. He will not go near the brief case nor will he go into the room where case is. If he sees the case he runs and hides. We all carry brief cases here and all the cases look much the same, leather, soft sided with handles. The case has never done anything bad to him, neither has the owner of the case. We can only figure that it must be the smell of the case. We have tried putting good smelling stuff like beef jerky inside the case - this didn't make any difference to Buef. Thinking it might be the human not the case, I swapped cases with my associate for a couple days. This also did not work. When he reacts, we ignore his behavior and when and if he gets close to the case we treat, treat, treat. Nothing we have tried has worked. He remains terrified of the case. We are trying to understand Buef, but this has become so frustrating. My associate has offered to pitch the case and buy a new one but I won't agree to that. I suppose I could leave Buef home, but I really feel we should concur this fear. Any advise would be greatly appreciated.

-Denise (Buefs mom) and the staff at W&B.

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