Nice try, Maria,

But I fear that using terms such as "Family Jewels", "The Money Bags" or
"Lavish Bestowal" will either inundate the list with spam from Morgage
Refinancers or even worse, Mr. Gold Kutah, Makaya Basu or Bello Ahmed.  And
that was just today.

Your innovation is laudable, my dear "Female Sweetheart"

Janice Parky
Cape Cod, MA

> 1.  The word we use for female Berners that rhymes with ditch should be
> retired.  Use "girl", "sweetheart" or "female"
> 2.  The biologically correct name for the male ... um ... this is harder
> than I thought ... lower appendage with which future progeny are happily
> effected ... should be referred to as Mr. Willie or The Joy Stick.  The
> attendent two sac o' suds should be referred to as Family Jewels; or, if
> are a very fortunate breeder, The Money Bags.
> 3. Any words that describe the actual act of breeding should be
> with "Getting Lucky;" or, if you are an optimistic breeder,
> "Fructification."
> 4. The word that refers to the male being used in a breeding (it rhymes
> "dud") should be substituted with "Happy Boy."
> Sadly, the one word in the subject line that caused the most rejected
> deliveries of the Berner-L digest was  "donation."  I'm sure Joye Neff
> be crestfallen to hear about this.  Spam software is able to sniff out any
> word remotely charitable.  Thus, I suggest substituting "lavish bestowal."

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