Shared Monty stories at Pamela's request - he sounds like a TOTAL Berner
type character! 


>>Monty sounds like a total character!! Hard to get mad at him?

Monty is so GOOD!!!!  I need to get up during the night several times...
he often is along side the bed and I return to bed for another couple
hours... if it's early dawn, he wants me to get up and get his
breakfast, but I can say, "go to sleep" and I roll over with my back to
him... just as often he's even on the bed, leaving barely enough room
for my legs... he goes back to sleep, I go back to sleep.   On command.

Then the alarm clock goes off!!!!  He jumps up, onto the bed if he's
Along side, or comes running down the hall if he's in the living room.
Front paws on my chest, he washes my face thoroughly, pinning me down so
that the alarm is just at my fingertips out of reach.

As soon as I am finally able to sit up, he washes my feet, especially
between the toes, and makes an attempt under my boobs or in other
private areas.  Presumably he likes the sweat or the dead skin smell.
It's sometimes a little disconcerting.  Sometimes it's a lot....

Breakfast.... two scrambled or fried eggs, cooled with a little fruit
juice, leftover soup, gravy or whatever.... Allegra likes it as a treat,
Monty is so lean that he needs the calories... he gets the bowl with the
excess fat from the pan and the bigger half of the eggs.  We give
Allegra's first.

"Wait, Monty".... and he waits.  Ropey drool makes a puddle... then we
ask him, "do you want it?"  he goes "whuff" but there is no sound...
it's just an air speak.  He inhales the food.  Allegra and Monty trade
dishes to see if the other might have left some small crumb.  Monty goes
back to his empty bowl and paws it to say, "more, please"... sometimes
it wedges under the edge of the stove, sometimes it makes it to the
living room carpet....... I can't help but laugh.  He continues to rock
it until it tips over,  he places both paws on it and slides it around
the kitchen...

During our breakfast, he sometimes lies down on his own, sometimes needs
to be reminded.  He's right between us.  Staring, staring, watching...
we talk, he waits, we talk, sometimes he shuts his eyes for a moment.
He hears the break of the banana skin... OH, BOY! he says, BANANA....
the drool starts again.  We break off a small piece for each and toss to
each dog, Allegra in the doorway, Monty between us.  They love it... 

And that's how the day starts....

Pamela and Dick
with Allegra ("if what you want lies buried, dig until you find it")
 and Monty ("No matter how often you're scolded, don't buy into the
guilt thing and right back and make friends")

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