Well the Mutt and Jeff saga continues in our house.  Bear is doing a
fantastic job with one of her many big sister duties: teaching Jude what
constitutes the very bestest of treats....CORN ON THE COB!!!  yummy!  It's a
tradition handed down from Mischa, then Liebe, and now from Bear.  Corn on
the cob is simply one of the yummiest things in the world.  Now it must be
prepared exactly as we are having it for our supper though!  Can you imagine
giving it to them without a tiny bit of margarine and salt....and LOTS of
pepper?  And could you please hold it for me so I can get the corn off that
cob please Mommy and Lissa?

What a girl.  She sure likes to do what she sees Bear do.  I don't feel so
bad giving veggies as a treat.  Bear is fond of many veggies, so when we
have something tasty, I don't mind sharing a bit.  I do believe Jude has
mastered the art of plucking those kernels off the cob.  The lip smacking,
huge smiley eyes and pounce onto to the cob is worthy of a Foodland Ontario
commercial!  Shall I sign her up so that she can earn her keep.....or at
least a few cobs of corn for tomorrow's supper?

Ontario, Canada

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