When he was about six months old our Berner stole a corn cob from the
kitchen trash. It cost us $900 for a corncobectomy and almost cost him
his life!  Cobs and dogs are a dangerous combination. 

He's a healthy 19 month old now.

John B.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rose Tierney [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 12:07 AM
To: Bernese Mountain Dog Mailing List
Subject: Melissa and Corn on the Cob

Hi Melissa,
Many a dog has had gut surgery to remove parts of corn cobs. Not a good
treat for a dog with powerful jaws! The fibrous cob is totally
and if ingested can cause serious blockage in the intestine.  There is a
lot of cellulose in the kernals and the dog cannot properly digest
if you want to feed veggies for a chew treat give him a piece of
or carrot stick. Generally for a dog to obtain full food value it is
to grind up the veggies.

Even if your dogs are nibblers and you are supervising them and removing
the cobs as soon as they are finished others should be mindful that most
Berners will crunch and swallow chunks.

Be careful

Rose T.

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