Here's an idea that MIGHT work for the counter surfing furkids, at least when cooking or bringing in bags of groceries. When making dinner, and the counter is full of food (especially Sunday morning breakfast), I take a big slice of his favorite treat (Natures blend lamb roll) and let him see it, make it very clear that he is going to get it. I put it somewhere he can't reach it but can see it (in our case on a high shelf in the kitchen). I tell him to sit and be a good boy. He patiently watches me cook, or go get more groceries from the car, and hasn't jumped up on the counter since, even if I leave the room, he is too concentrated on his treat sitting on the shelf, wondering when he is going to get it. Of course, when I am through, he gets his treat and a huge hug and praise. He only counter surfed two disasterous times, and ever since I tried this method, he stopped completely. Either it worked or I don't have a "die-hard" counter surfer on my hands. Maybe give it a try?
Janice Ward
Titan Faust
Pgh PA

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