Counter surfing once discovered is very hard to stop. Good smells with
tasty rewards for surfing can make Fido a real sneak theif. I have found
there is no safe place to leave food except the cupboard, fridge, 
microwave or other closed container. My dogs are really good about not
surfing my counters however, I have been shocked and horrified to see one
or another of my darlings counter surf at other peoples homes when we
have visited! 
Haley bless her soul who never ever tried counter surfing at home helped
herself to my hostesses chicken enchiladas before she put them in the
oven for our dinner one night. Norma Jean who isn't beyond counter
surfing but does not do so at home ate an entire roast when she was at a
friends house for a breeding. She was kept in the kitchen and the roast
was not on the counter but left in the sink to thaw ........
The biggest problem I've had is my young girl who likes to eat cat food.
I keep the cat food on the kitchen table away from the edge so the cat
can hop up there to eat when he wants. None of the other dogs touch this
food. Miranda has learned to clean what's left in the bowl. I have
corrected her when I catch her and she is very sneaky now. I found her
one day standing all 85 pounds of her and all 4 feet on the table helping
herself! I now only leave cat food out when the cat is there and slowly
things are improving or am I just being lulled into a false sense of

Susan Ablon
Gweebarra BMD
Balch Springs, Tx

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