Just a reminder that September 10th is the deadline for getting comments
and feedback in to the committee that worked hard to develop a new code
to consider. I'd love to find out that just as many people wrote in with
their comments about the COC as people who wrote in about Bernd's new
book. The publisher had over 200 responses, and I'd love to hear that at
least that many BMDCA club members took the time to read and comment on
the proposed COC.
To those of you who have already given feedback, thank you! I have long
wanted to see a more meaningful code for the club, and it cannot be done
without the consensus and support of the membership. Each thoughtful
comment is helpful. If you support it, let them know! If you don't
support it, give them some specifics. They are doing this work for all
of us, and the very least we can do is to assist them in those efforts.
I've seen the complaints about the club not having a strong meaningful
code, and this is our chance to have some input.

To read the proposed code and for information about how to submit
comments, go to:
or just go to www.bmdca.org under the section Announcements.

Pat Long
Berwyn PA

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