I have an exec with T-Mobile who is traveling and dropped his BB and broke it.  
I need to send him a T-Mobile BB overnight to where he is travelling to.  I 
have a spare T-Mobile BB / account that we use for testing around the office.  
Would this work:

- Activate the BB here on my test account with the execs credentials. 
- Ship BB to him.  
- Have him just swap the SIMs.

Will the BB stay activated to the device?  Or would switching the SIM card / 
phone number of the device somehow break the activation.

I'm trying to avoid having him do an OTA activation.  He has a huge mailbox, 
and his activations generally take more than an hour, and my guess is he 
couldn't just sit and watch the device saying "activating...." without touching 
it for that long...
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